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daffodils,lambs and headless chickens

The great thing about joining the 'desperate to be doris' choir with Lipservice, is you never know what's coming next..and if you'd seen us towards the end of our first in-theatre rehearsal, you'd realise an awful lot of us didn't know what was coming next; where we should be standing, what we were singing, where the conga went or who started the mexican wave. Forunately we have oodles of time before the opening night on friday to snatch success from the jaws of chaos, and also, when we do leave the stage to the professionals, magic enters the auditorium.

Don't be dispirited by this if you are a potential audience or choir member, we had a great night with moments of brilliance, laughter and co-ordinated movement abounding. We just need to polish off a few rough edges, hang onto our cowboy hats, and give it all we've got, which I suspect will be quite a lot given the great people that have gathered together because they're 'desperate to be doris'. I'd recommend the experience to anyone...enjoy yourselves, it's later than you think...but not too late to book tickets, go on, you know you're intrigued : )

Bella, York